Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.
(1) Integration of the NDL Online and NDL Search web services
The NDL plans to integrate two of its current web services: the National Diet Library Online Search and Request Service (NDL Online) and the NDL Search. These two will be launched as a new NDL Search web service in January 2024.
For detailed information of the renewal, please visit the following page.
(2) NDL Image Bank available in English
The NDL Image Bank is an online exhibition featuring selected visual elements of ukiyo-e prints, journals, and books from the National Diet Library's collection. All the images in the NDL Image Bank are taken from digitized, public-domain content held by the NDL and can also be accessed via the NDL Digital Collections.
The English version of the NDL Image Bank is available at
(3) Weather maps between Mar. 1883 and Sept. 2022 are available via the NDL Digital Collections
140 years of weather maps created by the Japan Meteorological Agency between Mar. 1883 and Sept. 2022 are available via the NDL Digital Collections. These maps of the atmosphere depict weather conditions based on observed data.
(4) New remote training program “Useful Resources for Japanese Linguistics Research and How to Use Them Effectively” now available on YouTube with English subtitles
The study of Japanese linguistics requires the collection and analysis of examples of how words are used. The NDL Digital Collection, Next-Generation Digital Library, NDL Ngram Viewer are useful tools for finding such examples. We will also consider ways to improve the accuracy of your research using online tools provided by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, such as a corpus that is specialized for linguistics.
(5) New remote training program “Practical Examples in the Research of Modern Japanese History Using Digital Archives” now available on YouTube with English subtitles
In this program, you can learn about the following databases:
・Digital Collection of the Documents on Japanese Foreign Policy
・Archives and Mausolea Department Catalog and Image Disclosure System
・NDL Digital Collection
・Hoji Shinbun Digital Collection
・Kobe University Library Digital Archive Newspaper Clippings Collection
Best wishes,
Branch Libraries and Cooperation Division
Administrative Department
National Diet Library, Japan