Nagase Yumi

From Tokyo to Guam: the Evacuation of the Bishop of Guam, Miguel Angel Olano Urteaga, through his Chronicle of Japan (1942-1943) and the Spanish Diplomatic Documentation (1942-1944)

Through what we call "The Chronicle of Japan" written by the bishop himself during his forced stay in Japan from 1942 till 1943 under the care of the Jesuits in Tokyo on the one hand, and the Spanish diplomatic documentation (1942-1944) on the other, we trace the happenings around the evacuation of the Bishop of Guam, Miguel Angel Olano Urteaga, from his indigent state in Tokyo, caused by the unexpected deportation of him from Guam as, almost, a prisoner, to Japan. The mentioned "Chronicle" is stored in the Provincial Historical Archive of Capuchins of Pamplona (Navarra), in the Personal Funds Section, while the employed Spanish diplomatic documentation was kept, at the time of collecting, in the General Archive of the Spanish Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation. A few articles of a Japanese newspaper also corroborate the footsteps of the bishop. 

Being a national of Spain, "neutral" in the IIWW, after defending the Guamanian civils and his American capuchins during the Japanese occupation, the bishop was suspected of being a spy of the enemy country, the USA. Thus, Mgr. Olano had to be shipped, with his loyal secretary, Br. Jesus Jauregui, without any money or valid luggage for his duty to the depths of the winter of Shikoku, Japan.   
The Spanish diplomatic and religious communities in Tokyo had been keeping their eyes on this issue and on this Bishop of Guam, a representative Catholic figure of one of the recently-occupied Japanese colony, Guam. During the negotiation for evacuation, Switzerland as mediator, the USA, India, Japan and Spain of Franco intervened.

We try to find out the aim and interests held by each of them and the universal values by which they abided.

This research has been funded by JSPS Kakenhi Grant #20K01538.

東京からグアムへ: 『日本の年代記』(1942年~1943年)とスペイン外交史料(1942年~1944年)を通して見たグアム司教ミゲル・アンヘル・オラノ・ウルテアガの救出




